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The objective of the course is to provide general information on academic writing, article preparation, writing specific sections of your thesis, understanding the research process, such as the “research onion”, and other related topics. The course is also open to exploring other areas of interest identified by the PhD fellows attending. The specific activities and topics to be covered will be discussed and determined based on the needs of the participants at the beginning of the course. The aim of these activities is to offer participants insights and inspiration for their doctoral dissertations while fostering a supportive peer environment.
Course responsible: Mari Suoheimo
Academic Content
The objective of the course is to provide general information on academic writing, article preparation, writing specific sections of your thesis, understanding the research process, such as the “research onion”, and other related topics. The course is also open to exploring other areas of interest identified by the PhD fellows attending. The specific activities and topics to be covered will be discussed and determined based on the needs of the participants at the beginning of the course. The aim of these activities is to offer participants insights and inspiration for their doctoral dissertations while fostering a supportive peer environment.
Some possible activities
• Learn how to read an academic article
• Identify and search for publishing venues
• Learn how to apply IMRAD method to write abstracts
• Identify own paradigms, epistemologies and ontologies - the research onion
• Design the table of contents of kappa of your thesis
• Think and investigate what your possible theoretical framework could be applied in your research
Compulsory Assignments
The completion the course requires 80 % of attendance and delivering the activities assigned during the course.
Learning Outcomes
Learn basic skills of academic publishing and research.